I've been thinking a little about rearranged schedules...when God rearranges our schedules. I've had frequent times in the last few days, when what I thought was the schedule was otherwise. I arrived at an event a day early. A work appointment got rescheduled. The fresh baked chocolate cookies with mint m&ms that I thought would be waiting for me on the counter when I got home had left the building! My travel home from my dentist appointment was delayed by the president of the United States of America's motorcade. Just those things that happen sometimes.
I had heard a woman on the radio (I think it may have been Renee Swope) talking about patience. She said something like, "Patience isn't the amount of time you wait for something. It's your attitude while you wait." And then something about when you stay in the love of the Lord....
And so, that fruit of the Spirit of patience seems to get all mixed up with love, joy, peace, long suffering, self-control (perhaps kindness) until you have a really delicious fruit soup. But really it's just one more chance to really love the Lord and trust His love; to walk in faith. (Oh, yeah...another fruit of the Spirit--faithFULness.)
And so, I thank God for His faithfulness to me and for His great unfathomable love. And I grab His hand in faith to know that He's cleaning me up, taking away my grumblies, and growing me some good sweet fruit. I pray to love Him better, today...tomorrow....and always.
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