Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Sweet Start

In my Night with the Meswakis post, I wrote that I was wrestling with how to honor my children for back-to-school.  So, here's what I came up with...We had an Honor Sunday Sundae party.

It was the Sunday before the week that school starts.  I planned a surprise for an evening snack.

 I started by talking to them about how schools (especially high schools) have honor rolls.  And that kids get on the honor roll by getting good grades. But homeschoolers don't really have honor rolls.  I told them I'd decided that we'd have a Weidenaar Academy Honor Roll.  But, that unlike the school's honor roll, where you are rewarded for a good grades, our honor roll would be because God had made them special and in honor of starting the school year.

I'd made each child an honor roll certificate with their name and grade level.  (We just say the grade they would be in if they were in school.  It's easier to answer people's questions, and that's how they are grouped for Sunday school.)  I chose a different Bible verse especially for each child.  I read it aloud and awarded it to them. 

Then, I'd purchased all kinds of sundae toppings and waffle bowls.  (Things I don't normally buy.)  They each could make their sundae how they wanted, special like them.

They were very excited and thankful.

But we all agreed it was a little (lot) too sugary, and that next year we'd try another back to school idea to start the year specially.

It was fun to be sweet to them and to let them know that they are special to me.  And now, here comes the school year, ready or not...(mostly ready and pretty excited.)

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