Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sweet to See

It was so sweet to see my daughter and her grandma work on this together.  They did a great job!

Sunday, December 23, 2012

White Christmas

It's been so dry here this year.  A few weeks ago we got our first snow.  But, it was so scant that by the time we got home from church, it was gone.

This week we got our second snow.  We got 13 inches!  There was lots of wind so the trees look so beautiful.  It is a winter wonderland.  I'm so happy to get a white Christmas!

It is precious to have snow at Christmas and remember from Isaiah 1:17 "...Though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow."  God's love covers over and blankets us with holiness and purity.  He came down from heaven to be God with us.  Blessed be His name in all the earth.

Merry Christmas to you and yours...and a blessed New Year!

Sunday, December 9, 2012


 I've enjoyed a Christmas party and a Christmas concert already.  The tree is decorated and I've worked on Christmas cards.  There are gifts wrapped under the tree and carols playing in my house.  The memories are being made.  'Tis the season.

There is one thing that I especially want to remember from this Christmas season.  It came while I was sitting in my daughter's choir practice, listening to the children sing.  They were practicing the song "Joy" by Jason Houser.  The chorus repeats these words: "Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to men on whom his favor rests..."

This idea is nothing new.  But the repetition of the song and by the blessing of the Spirit, these words hit me in a fresh way.  And I heard God's message of peace and FAVOR.  His FAVOR rests on me.  On men.  On us.  Not because of what we do.  But because of who He is.

It's so easy to want to strive for God.  To want to be more and do more.  So often I feel my lack.

It was so delightful to hear God's Word remind me that He wants peace for me and that His favor is on me.  That is a Christmas gift and memory that I want to keep.  It warms my heart with love for my God and Savior and gives me great comfort and joy.  And that is the name of the song--"Joy."

(Thank you God for that joy.)   

Sunday, December 2, 2012

God's Work in My Heart

At the Hearts at Home conference, I finally bought a book that I'd been considering buying for a couple of years.  It's called The Ministry of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. 

I consider it a gift from God to me.  You know how God surprises you in His timing for things.  This book has surprised me in that it was not quite what I'd expected.  And the timing is delighting me in the appropriateness for advent.

Mrs. Clarkson organizes her book with the acronym of GIFTS.  It outlines the ideas that make a framework for their parenting.  These include the gifts of : Grace, Inspiration, Faith, Training, and Service.

This book is one of those books that you sit and chew on... And chew on...And chew on.  It's not a fast read, because it calls you to sit at the Father's feet and listen and seek.  It is spiritually inspiring to me.

And so, although I haven't yet read its entirety, I decided to use it with my children as we walk through this advent season.  Kids minds are so much on gifts this time of year anyway.  So, I thought it would be a way to turn their eyes and minds from the world to the Lord.  Hopefully.

Last week I introduced a new letter and idea each day.  My favorite day was training, because each child chose their own behavior to work on to train themselves in the Lord.  I'm sure as we advance I'll have other favorite things we do in the other categories as well.

In the words of "Joy to the World": Let every heart prepare Him room...What are you doing this year to prepare your heart for Christmas?

Sunday, November 25, 2012

God Blessed My Heart in Minnesota

I had the pleasure of attending the Hearts at Home conference in Rochester, MN with a number of ladies from our area this month.  About 3,000 women were in attendance from 24 different states.  The mothers of over 7,000 children were blessed this weekend.

We were led in worship by Abide.  We delighted in the humor of 321 Improv.  Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar, Dr. Juli Slattery, and Jill Savage were the main speakers.You can learn more about the conference here if you'd like.  http://www.hearts-at-home.org/

It was so encouraging to focus on the Father and glorify Him.  To hear Him call us in relationship, resetting our compasses back to North.  To feel His grace and remember to abide in it.  And to see the beauty of these other women and families and His mercy to them, for them and through them.

Our God is Great and greatly to be praised.

It was a shot in the arm.  I am thankful for this conference.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


When God made hands he made something so good.  Don't you just love to look at and marvel about hands?  The hands of a baby...the hands of the elderly...the hands of a child. 

Well, I'm thankful for running across this little project that my children could do with their hands.  Each one made a garland of colorful fall felt leaves running stitched together with golden yarn.  These beautiful strings are adorning shelves and windows in our house where we could drape them,  giving cheer.  How satisfying to see even those four year old hands be able to accomplish this work!  It was really a first try at any type of needle work for all three children.

Sunday, October 28, 2012


My children and I have been singing this song at our house recently:

      AUTUMN by Helen Browne
Apples yellow, pumpkins mellow,
Tell the time of year,
Nuts are falling, nature calling,
Autumn time is here.
Colors gaily, changing daily,
Brighten field and wood,
Autumn's glory tells the story,
God is great and good.

This song is published in Let Youth Praise Him copyright1949.  It was published by permission from Children's Melodies copyright 1915. I got this song book from my grandmother.  It is the same song book we used to sing from in the mornings at my school when I was in fourth and fifth grade.  It gives me great pleasure to pass this song down to my children.

I am also currently delighting in the pleasure of reading aloud EB White's book Charlotte's Web.   And I'm looking forward to checking out the movie version when we're done.  I always love the conclusion that books are better than movies.  We'll see if they say that this time.

Another fall activity I've been blessed to be involved with over the last few years is a six week Good News Club held at the public school two blocks from my house.  It is a blessing to be able to have a positive influence at our local school even while we are homeschoolers.  I've cherished getting to know some of our neighborhood kids while getting to share the truth of God's word.  If you've never been exposed to Children's Evangelism Fellowship, I would encourage you to look into it.  Our club started this last week.

And it will soon be collection week for Operation Christmas Child.  What a joy to partner with Samaritan's Purse in spreading the gospel throughout the world.  May the Lord bless this ministry richly.  May every nation bow, every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.  Thy kingdom come.

"Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4  Hoping that you will find your delight in the Lord as well, and that He will richly bless you.  Love from me.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

A model, a maker, a baker, and a prayer need

What we've been up to:
We've finally finished our foam solar system model.

The kids had fun creating it.  It was much better/easier to manage than the balloon model.
We tried to make a solar s'more maker.
Unfortunately, it seems as if October in Iowa may not be the best time for this project. 
We had to make snacks for preschool.
I thought these little fall picks for the muffins were so cute!  I love fall.

What I have been struggling with:

this year's schedule!  The constant driving and outside activities make accomplishing things at home challenging.  Sometimes I feel so pressed down I can't breathe.  Fortunately, I've been through this enough that the Lord has given me confidence and hope to try to cope.  I'm also going to try just to get up a little bit earlier.  I've seen a benefit to this so far.
What my kids have been struggling with: attitudes.
But I believe this is also largely due to the schedule and just plain tiredness.  We're three days into an earlier  bedtime for them and I feel like I'm seeing improvement.
So if you have a spare prayer for us, we would much appreciate it.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

The Pumpkin Farm

We had a great day at the pumpkin farm today!

Check out the height of that blow up pumpkin!
We had beautiful weather and they have so many fun things to do.
Here are the three little pie pumpkins that were included in the price of our tour.

Wasn't it sweet of my husband to buy me those pretty mums?  My 4-year-old said, "We got you purple because it's your favorite!"  (Even though it's really her favorite.  Still the sentiment is so sweet.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Fall Traditions

I have some fall traditions that I not only enjoy, but have unexpectedly blessed my friendships.

Each fall we go apple picking.  It is a tradition we started 15 years ago.  At the time I was married with no children and I went with a friend of mine from work.  By the following year, we both had little ones.  We brought our strollers and picked our bushel baskets full.  Each year we have gone.  I am thankful for her unwavering faithfulness to the tradition.  It is a time set for our friendship, even if during the most of the rest of the year we don't get together.

Our oldest are now in high school.  We each have four kids.

This year's memory was that her daughter had an injured leg.  So, we carried a wheelchair like a sedan chair.  And she did her picking on crutches.  Also, we had a drought this year and at the crucial time in the spring there had been a freeze.  So, there were very few apples to pick. A unique year indeed.

Another fall tradition is to attend the Oktemberfest parade in our town.  Each year another friend of mine joins us and we watch together.

This year most of their family was unable to attend, because their daughter had the privilege of being in a quinceanera.  But their son joined us.  It was very evident to me how much he had matured over the last year just by enjoying his company at the parade.

I'm so glad to have a couple of planned yearly get-togethers with my friends. It is a delight to have these relationships that have lasted and these events that are tied to the calendar year are some nice anchors of blessings.  They've helped us stay connected.  That is something that was not planned.  I'm so thankful to God  for these precious blessings.

Friday, September 14, 2012

This Friday's Report

I'm so disappointed!  I wanted to share the puppet show video of Vermont that my kids performed for me this week.  But I haven't been able to get it to load properly.  This was one of those projects I thought would be quick and simple, but they ended up working on it in bits over four days.  Silly me...what was I thinking? 

Once again, we had a full schedule to juggle. We forgot a guitar lesson. (Boo.)  So, now I'm writing it in the dead center of the school schedule for that day. 

I thought I crashed my husband's computer today, but am thanking the good Lord he was able to get it back to normal.

It was a beautiful 60 degrees, so we stopped at the park for a bit.  And my daughter went to a friend's birthday party.

And, while I love preschool, I do not love the germs.  My poor little one went to bed with a fever tonight.  Praying to God that's the extent of that.  (PLEASE.)

So, no wonderings or wanderings to tell you about this time.  Just a little status report.  And a tired little mama ready for bed and hoping the weekend brings some rest and a cleaner house.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

A Question and a Promise

Homeschooling last  week was a blur.  A couple of highlights include studying about Vermont (I am planning to see a puppet show by my students tomorrow to tell what they've learned)  and we started our Story of the World book.  The kids thought about historians and archaeologists.  We made some "treasure stones"  from Kid Concoctions as a hands on archaeological type activity.  Our drama club started and the Lego league transferred their equipment to their practice site.

Over the weekend we went with our church to Hidden Acres camp.  It was great fun.  The kids went swimming, hiking, zip lining, and horse riding.  It was beautiful weather.

In preparation for the trip I looked at the library for something to read.  I picked up a book on parenting daughters.  It is written by a couple from a distinctly feminist point of view, so I've had to read with my filter on.  It has given me a little food for thought, but so far I have not gleaned much for parenting.  We'll see if it gets better.

Have you read any great books on parenting daughters?  (Please do not recommend Dr. Dobson's book.  I've read it and was not wowed.)  And I'd prefer something with more of a focus on younger girls--it'll be awhile before my girls are teens.  As far as I can tell there is a real lack of material on this topic.  At least the Lord promises us wisdom when we ask...that's a promise to depend on when it comes to parenting or homeschooling, or pretty much anything else I guess.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Happy Labor Day

Well, it's Labor Day.

Saturday, we went to Des Moines.  Two of my kids needed things for dance class this week, two of my kids needed school clothes, my daughter needed a gift for a birthday party today, and I was looking for some things to enhance our astronomy study.  We found everything on our list.  My favorite purchase was space flashcards at Target for $1. (And wow, do I hate spending that much money all at once.)

Yesterday we went to church.  We rested in the afternoon...which means my children gamed.  We had an awesome summery supper--barbequed ribs, mashed potatoes, Iowa sweet corn, and watermelon.  And we played a card game that my guys had been exposed to by friends while they were in Rhode Island.  It's called Family Fluxx.  It's really fun.  The rules are continually changing.  And it's not a skill game so the whole family can participate (except non-readers need a little help).

In yesterday's Des Moines Register, the Roses and Thistles column quoted Samuel Gompers, founder of the American Federation of Labor in 1886.  He said in address to the International Labor Congress in an address titled "What Does Labor Want?": We want more school houses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more constant work and less crime; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful and childhood more happy and bright.  These in brief are the primary demands made by the trade unions in the name of labor.  These are the demands made by labor upon modern society and in their consideration is involved the fate of civilization."  I thought that was a pretty great quote and a nice reminder of what we are celebrating today.

As for me, I'll be catching up on my housework and laundry that got ignored Saturday.  But I'm glad for the holiday to be able to focus on that instead of having to juggle school and all of that.

Happy Labor Day to you all!  God bless America!

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Peek at Our Progress

We're making homeschooling progress and that feels good.  Here's a peek at what we've been doing.

We got our first unit in Exploring Creation with Astronomy (Apologia) finished.  We made our balloon solar system project and finished the journaling on it today.  It is the second time we've done this project as a family.  Honestly, it is not my favorite, because expecting children to be able to tie balloons is one thing...tying balloons while keeping them at a certain circumference measurement is another.

Plus about 5 minutes after we took this picture, because my girls found the balloons impossible to keep from playing with, Venus got inextricably tangled on Earth's string causing their orbits to (God forbid) cross. 

So, we at least got practice putting the planets in order.  And we could definitely see which planets were large, which were small, and which were similarly sized.  We did not put rings on the balloons or color code them much.  Judge us if you must.

We've got a Styrofoam Solar System kit from WalMart waiting in the wings to be made.  We'll see if we like that better.  My preschooler is so enamored with this kit.  She keeps looking at the box and talking about the planets.  Love it!

We did a little studying about Maine this week.  Robert McCloskey is from Maine and wrote a children's book One Morning in Maine.  We read that and noted some different animals in the book.  We talked about which animals were vertebrates and which were invertebrates.  The kids did some computer research to learn about Maine facts and made a poster.  And we gave some Progresso clam chowder a try for lunch (because the family in the book has clam chowder).

We of course did our other subjects this week, too.

Except yesterday we went light on book work.  We had a little friend come to spend the day.  Since our reading the day before had talked about a bobcat and one of McCloskey's books is all about ducks, we went to check out some animals.  We fed the ducks, geese, and swan at the duck pond.  And we went to Grimes Farm and looked around in the nature center.  They have a lot of things to investigate.  We did especially take note of the taxidermied bobcat and moose.

I'm feeling good about what we've learned, how our days have gone, and looking forward to what's to come.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Recipe for a Good Morning

Here's how we started our day today-- with this recipe from http://allrecipes.com/recipe/baked-oatmeal-ii/

Baked Oatmeal II
"Found this recipe in Pennsylvania Amish country. Everyone who tries it, loves it!"
Prep Time:
10 Min
Cook Time:
40 Min
Ready In:
50 Min

Servings (Help)

Original Recipe Yield8 servings


  • 3 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup brown sugar
  • 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  • 2 teaspoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla extract
  • 3/4 cup dried cranberries


  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).
  2. In a large bowl, mix together oats, brown sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, and salt. Beat in milk, eggs, melted butter, and vanilla extract. Stir in dried cranberries. Spread into a 9x13 inch baking dish.
  3. Bake in preheated oven for 40 minutes.

It's delicious!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

A Fun Friday

We had a fun end to our homeschool week...a Fun Friday.  The kids asked to put on their suits for recess and I couldn't say no.  They enjoyed the sprinkler and the wading pool.  And then we got out the shaving cream and finger paint for a little fun.

It cleans up really well and smells nice, too.
It was a beautiful day and a beautiful evening.
We all went to the first home football game at night.  It was a great night to be out.  We especially enjoyed the band and our favorite trombonist.  (He also had a great first week in high school.)


Friday, August 24, 2012

A Few Blessings Counted

I've been reading blogs for my entertainment lately.  It's what helped get me mentally ready to homeschool again after a busy summer.  I've reaped a lot of excitement from the hard work of others.  What a blessing.

Our first few days back to school have gone well.  One day was a little rough.  But by the grace of God we were able to make some adjustments to successfully finish the day and count it a good one.

I ran into this great advice from Julie at Creatin' Classical Chaos in her August 10 post: Helpful homeschooling advice... Things change. And change. And change. Don't let a set of plans you worked hard on stop you from following the lead of your children. Listen to them. Watch them. Notice what sparks their interest. And most of all truly "hear" them. I don't literally mean only what they are verbalizing to you, but what they speak to you through their actions.

I really think this is what made the difference in our rough day.  We were able to be patient enough to make adjustments and keep trying.  (Some days we don't handle our difficulties well. So this time is a glory hallelujah.)

And I think this advice is not just for homeschoolers...but for effective parenting.  Pay attention to your children and honor the special way God has made each one.

Really, the advice that things change is truth that is good for everyone to embrace.  I read the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling today.  I think maybe I should blow it up poster size for my wall.  It really speaks to the idea of handling change with grace.  That can really be tough sometimes.  Especially when the change is not something we would choose.

Yesterday, at aholyexperience's Facebook page there was a post that says, "Love always begins with patience and patience is always willing to suffer." (Oh! my gut reaction was to kind of hate that.  But I know that is where I need to grow.) And I think patience is the feet of hope.  When I am patient, I am walking out my trust in God for a hope and good future that He has promised me.  Overcoming that heat of the moment can just be so hard sometimes!

So, today I'm praising God for successful homeschooling, the blessings of others' writings, and love, patience, hope, and suffering (that part is still said through gritted teeth, but with a sheepish smile).  Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all His benefits.

Here's the poem "If" by Rudyard Kipling

If you can keep your head when all about you
Are losing theirs and blaming it on you;
If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you,
But make allowance for their doubting too; 
If you can wait and not be tired by waiting,
Or, being lied about, don't deal in lies,
Or, being hated, don't give way to hating,
And yet don't look too good nor talk too wise;

If you can dream--and not make dreams your master;
If you can think--and not make thoughts your aim;
If you can meet with triumph and disaster
And treat those two imposters just the same;
If you can bear to hear the truth you've spoken
Twisted by knaves to make a trap for fools,
Or watch the things you gave your life to, broken,
And stoop and build 'em up with worn-out tools;

If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings
And never breathe a word about your loss;
If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve your turn long after they are gone,
And so hold on when there is nothing in you
Except the Will which says to them: "Hold on!"

If you can talk with crowds and keep your virtue,
Or walk with kings--nor lose the common touch;
If neither foes nor loving friends can hurt you;
If all men count with you, but none too much;
If you can fill the unforgiving minute
With 60 second's worth of distance run--
Yours is the Earth and everything that's in it,
And--which is more--you'll be a Man, my son!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Widening Circles

Saturday morning I had a breakfast meeting.  My friend Sarah had invited me to be part of an organizational group to bring Reliant K to Marshalltown to raise money for Compassion International.  Now, I know nothing about organizing a concert, but I am in support of bringing Christian entertainment to Marshalltown, as well as supporting Compassion International.  So, I told her I'd be a "lackey." At this meeting, I met 5 new people.  I came home with excitement about what God will do.

Sunday, I took my daughter to open house at preschool.  ("Preschool!" I had a homeschool mom exclaim this weekend."Why do you do that?"  "Because it's fun!" was my response.  All of my kids have had such great experiences at this preschool.)

Tomorrow, my oldest son will start public high school.  He has been practicing in marching band for a couple of weeks, now.

All this to say, I'm excited about all the new people I may be meeting.  I am very hopeful, and ask the Lord to bless the widening of my social circles.

That got me thinking about the prayer of Jabez in I Chronicles 4: 9-10.  It's been a long time since I've read the book about this prayer.  But reading this in the Bible is such a wonder.  It's stuck between lineage lists of the clans of Judah.  And there are these two verses about this man and his life.  If you look at these verses in different translations, there is a perplexing diversity in wording.  But the things that stick out to me are that God says he was more honorable than his brothers.  (There's that word honor again...That needs more looking into.)  And there is a theme (could you call it) of pain--how he was named and part of his request to God.  And then there is his prayer to God, and yet the most powerful last sentence--And God granted his request.

This just stirs in me again my desire to be a pray-er.  Jesus was a pray-er.  If you really pay attention to the gospel accounts you see him time and time again going off to pray.  And this makes me trust that every day, even while he is preparing the place for us, he prays for us every day.

And even more excitingly, it makes me trust that God is an answer-er!  He hears and he answers. 

And I pray for God's blessing on me and that I can be a blessing to others.  I have so many rough edges and a sinful heart to battle.  But, God keeps working on me.  I'm really looking forward to a great year. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

A Sweet Start

In my Night with the Meswakis post, I wrote that I was wrestling with how to honor my children for back-to-school.  So, here's what I came up with...We had an Honor Sunday Sundae party.

It was the Sunday before the week that school starts.  I planned a surprise for an evening snack.

 I started by talking to them about how schools (especially high schools) have honor rolls.  And that kids get on the honor roll by getting good grades. But homeschoolers don't really have honor rolls.  I told them I'd decided that we'd have a Weidenaar Academy Honor Roll.  But, that unlike the school's honor roll, where you are rewarded for a good grades, our honor roll would be because God had made them special and in honor of starting the school year.

I'd made each child an honor roll certificate with their name and grade level.  (We just say the grade they would be in if they were in school.  It's easier to answer people's questions, and that's how they are grouped for Sunday school.)  I chose a different Bible verse especially for each child.  I read it aloud and awarded it to them. 

Then, I'd purchased all kinds of sundae toppings and waffle bowls.  (Things I don't normally buy.)  They each could make their sundae how they wanted, special like them.

They were very excited and thankful.

But we all agreed it was a little (lot) too sugary, and that next year we'd try another back to school idea to start the year specially.

It was fun to be sweet to them and to let them know that they are special to me.  And now, here comes the school year, ready or not...(mostly ready and pretty excited.)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

They Said Yes

They've done it again!  Last night we got the call, and two Weidenaar guys committed to being on the Brickburner's First Lego League team again.

For those of you who don't know what that means...This is a team event co-sponsored by FIRST and Lego.  Each team programs a robot and comes up with an innovative solution to a real world problem while exhibiting the core values established by the organization.  Then they share and celebrate what they've done at an event.  The events are a lot of fun.  And you have the opportunity to progress competively from a local event to a state event, possibly to a "world celebration" event. (The website says it's not a competition but a culmination.  But, I think you should be aware that teams are awarded for things.  However the organization does a great job at emphasizing the learning and the fun over competing.)  Here's the address to FLL's site. http://www.firstlegoleague.org/

What that also means is a 3 hour evening practice and a 3 hour Saturday practice each week from September to January.  Our team puts a lot of time into this.  It's a pretty big commitment.

Last year, God blessed their team in a really special way.  They entered their project for the FLL Global Innovation Award and won a trip to Rhode Island.  They presented at the National Center for Food Protection and Defense Conference.

Those people were really kind to them.  They stayed in a fancy hotel.  They met people from all over the world, including someone who had done some of the research they'd used  in their project.  They swam in the Atlantic Ocean.  They presented their project and received an award at a banquet.  That kind of blessing just makes you shake your head in wonder.

Our team kind of originated through our homeschool co-op's 4-H group years ago.  Our town has a number of teams through the public schools, 4-H groups, and girls scout groups.

FIRST Lego League is a really great opportunity to learn to research, to improve team work, to grow in presenting a topic visually and verbally, and to do some robotic programming.  Those are some great skills.

If you've never been exposed to First Lego League, but are interested, I encourage you investigate it further. It's been a blessing to our family in the past, and apparently will be during this school year as well.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

What's the schedule?

I've been thinking a little about rearranged schedules...when God rearranges our schedules.  I've had frequent times in the last few days, when what I thought was the schedule was otherwise.  I arrived at an event a day early.  A work appointment got rescheduled.  The fresh baked chocolate cookies with mint m&ms that I thought would be waiting for me on the counter when I got home had left the building!  My travel home from my dentist appointment was delayed by the president of the United States of America's motorcade.  Just those things that happen sometimes.

I had heard a woman on the radio (I think it may have been Renee Swope) talking about patience.  She said something like, "Patience isn't the amount of time you wait for something.  It's your attitude while you wait."  And then something about when you stay in the love of the Lord....

And so, that fruit of the Spirit of patience seems to get all mixed up with love, joy, peace, long suffering, self-control (perhaps kindness) until you have a really delicious fruit soup.  But really it's just one more chance to really love the Lord and trust His love;  to walk in faith. (Oh, yeah...another fruit of the Spirit--faithFULness.)

And so, I thank God for His faithfulness to me and for His great unfathomable love.  And I grab His hand in faith to know that He's cleaning me up, taking away my grumblies, and growing me some good sweet fruit.  I pray to love Him better, today...tomorrow....and always.

Friday, August 10, 2012

A Night with the Meskwaki

This week we were able to go to the 98th Meskwaki Indian Powwow.  Although we've lived in the area in which this event is held, this was the first time we'd attended.

Finding it was a bit of a challenge. We knew which general direction the settlement was.  Even though we stopped for directions at the casino, we just kind of roamed the country until we happened upon it.  So, if you'd like to go you may want to go to the website for directions. http://www.meskwakipowwow.com/

It was really great to learn about this nation that lives so close to me.  The dancing, singing, and traditional dress were delightful to experience.  I picked up a number of historical pamphlets, teasing my kids about the greatness of homeschooling. 

We went on "children's day" to the 7:00 performance.  The cost for the children is reduced on this day, so I was expecting crowds.  I do not enjoy crowds.  I was so surprised to find that it was not over run by people.  What a blessing...and I was thankful.

There was  a strong spirit of honor woven throughout the program.  They honored the veterans.  They honored the children.  One of the things they did on this night was to highlight the Healthy Start program and the families enrolled.  (This is a program to reduce infant mortality.)  And during the dancing they talked about how proud they were of their children. 

And this got me thinking...Mr. Fred Rogers is one of my heros.  One of the things I loved about his show was the spirit of honor he showed for children.  And then I started thinking about back-to- school and how this could be a special day where I could really take the opportunity to honor my children.  I think I will start wrestling and praying and thinking about how to accomplish this.

And so, it seems as if this wandering and wondering was more than just the usual family outing/field trip.  Perhaps, I may have gleaned something from another people group, a truth of how God wants us to treat eachother with honor.  And by witnessing their example and following it I hope my life may be richer.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Wandering at Green Castle

The rains came through and gave us a reprieve from the 98 degree heat we've had so much this summer.  We slept with the windows open last night.  It felt so good to be cold and have to pull up a blanket in the middle of the night. 

To enjoy the blessedly cool evening, we went out to Green Castle.  It's been a couple of years since I'd been to this particular park.

We drove up to park near where we hoped we'd see some bison.  What a surprise to see an area for trumpeter swans!  There was a nesting pair with a cygnet.  It was delightful to see them.  We didn't have binaculars, though, so we couldn't really locate the nest.  But they were beautiful as they swam gracefully across the water.

I was thankful to God...I'd been so disappointed on vacation not to be able to go see a trumpeter swan observation area.  And here is one in my own backyard!

Peaking out of the water in this area were a lot of bright green heads!  There were many, many frogs.

We parked near the bison area and were surprised to find 5!  They even had a calf.

We took the trail enjoying a great variety of trees.  As the trail dropped to the pond, we could feel the temperature drop off.  We saw clam shells in the water, the ripples of fish and little frogs.  The birds were singing and calling. 

When we got to the area with the playground, we could see that they improved the shelter house since the last time we were there.  It is enclosed now with lights.  It looks really nice.

As we circled back on the trail up to our van, we watched the sun set over the pond, the steam rising off the water.  What a joy to behold.  My heart began to sing:
        For the beauty of the earth,
        For the glory of the skies,
        For the love which from our birth
        Over and around us lies;
         Lord of all, to Thee we raise
         This our hymn of grateful praise.

I am so thankful that we got to go spend some time in nature as a family tonight.  I can't wait to go back to Green Castle again.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

First Time Slime

This weekend we decided to try to make rainbow slime for the first time.  I had seen it on pinterest.
Here's the blog if you want to check it out--http://tottreasuresnorthbay.blogspot.com/2012/06/slime.html
It said mix 1 1/2 cups of liquid starch with 1 1/2 cups of clear glue.  Add food coloring. Mix.  That seemed easy enough.  The little girl on the blog looked like she was having a great time.  It seemed like the sort of thing my kids would get into.

I aquired my liquid starch and clear glue (emptying Kmart of the 3 bottles it had on the shelf).  The kids were excited!

Saturday morning we started the mixing....and mixing...and mixing.  I mixed by hand with a spoon.  I stopped before all the starch was absorbed.  It was starting to look like slime.  I separated what I had into different containers and added the food coloring.  That part looked great.  We got vibrant colors.

The kids started playing with it.  It was more runny than I anticipated.  And it took some time playing with it before it was more than just noodle-width strings.  But it was family fun.  And it was the second time this weekend I heard, "You're the greatest mom in the universe."  It's been a long time since I heard that, so that was a pretty good pay off.

I wonder if I'll ever try this again...especially since it cost about $10 to make, making the price of playdoh look pretty good.  I wonder, if I ever tried this again, if using the electric mixer would make it happen a little more quickly.  I wonder if I reduced the amount of liquid starch a smidge if it would turn out less runny.

Time will tell.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Wandering, Wondering, and Resting in His Shadow

I was paying bills today, and feeling kind of grumbly about it.  So, I started praying thanksgivings for all the things I was paying for to try to turn my attitude around.  I took my son to drop some of these bills off.  And while we were driving around Building 429's song "Where I Belong" came on.  Some of the lyrics are:
                            All I know is I'm not home yet. 
                            This is not where I belong.
                            Take this world and give me Jesus.
                            This is not where I belong.
It was a really great reminder to "set your minds on things above, not on earthly things," as Colossians 3:2 tells us. 

Anyway, The Lord always provides for us.  I don't know what I really have to be grumbly about.

Later, I was opening the door of my van.  Among the bushes to the side of my driveway, I spied a tall phlox shining it's bright violet color in all that shade, hiding from this summer of drought, blooming beautifully.  It reminded me of the verse in Psalm 91:1 "He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty."

That's what I need to do....shine not whine.  Rest in his Shadow.  I remembered that earlier in the day I'd read the blog at aholyexperinece.com and on this day is was about abiding in God.  And I thank God for his reminders and His shepherding of my heart for his name's sake.  Blessed be the Lord.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Swans, Osprey, and Weidenaars...Oh, my.

One of our wanderings this summer was to Northwest Iowa to meet Brad's family at lake Okoboji.  On the way there, we listened to The Trumpet of the Swan by EB White.  We really enjoyed it.  The character of the father swan is so well written!  Great voice. We laughed and laughed at him.

So, when we got to Okoboji, and I found out they had a trumpeter swan observation area I naturally wanted to go.  Unfortunately, we were not able to get there. But we did go to Dickinson County Nature Center.  They had a nesting pair of osprey.  Now, that's not something I get to see every day.  What a large bird that is!  And the nest was very impressive.

We made some great family memories, got a real life look at an amazing bird, and fell in love with an EB White book we'd never read before. 

I hope this year we can read Stuart Little and Charlotte's Web.  Just thinking about them make me smile.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Something New

I thought I'd dip my toe in the water and start something new.  The first day of August seemed like a good time to give it a go.  I thought I'd blog a little about homeschooling, being a wife and mother, and following God where He takes me.  Hopefully someone will be blessed by our humble life.

I also tried a new recipe today!  We had zucchini patties tonight.  Two new things in one day!  Now that is a wonder!

We took the summer off from our usual homeschool routine.  But we had some really unique experiences this summer.  Definitely some wanderings. We are thankful to God for them.  Perhaps I'll share more about that later.

Now I am organizing for a new homeschool year.  The books are ordered.  I worked on preparing the bookshelf today.  (It looks nothing like the lovely things I see on pinterest.  But that's why there are doors to close on this cupboard.)  School supplies are purchased.  But I have yet to complete my paperwork for the school district/state.  Soon....

"In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." Proverbs 16:9 We're looking forward to where the Lord will lead us one step, one day at a time.