Thursday, January 30, 2014

Thankful Thursday

I am thankful for:

  1. Salvation
  2. Jesus is a friend who will never leave me nor forsake me.
  3. Bradley
  4. My children
  5. My family
  6. Health for myself and my family
  7. A warm house
  8. My car working faithfully
  9. My washing machine and dryer
  10. My dishwasher
  11. Telephones
  12. Computers
  13. Homeschooling
  14. That my children had the freedom to play in the fresh falling snow impromptu
  15. I live in a free country
  16. As Elliot says, "Cake"
  17. Helping others
  18. The garbage men who were already working by 6:30 am in the dark and cold
  19. Newspaper delivery people who also faithfully work in the cold
  20. Electric linemen who fix up after weather troubles
  21. Soldiers
  22. Policemen
  23. Healthcare workers
  24. Children
  25. Christian teachers
  26. Books
  27. Music
  28. Art
  29. Profitable work
  30. Holidays
  31. Laughter
  32. That God hears and answers my prayers
  33. That God's answers are always and only the best
Colossians 3:15 Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.  And be thankful.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Pushing Through

2 Learn Something Tuesday

My students are complaining some about some of the educational matter I am requiring.  One subject is ABeka Book Cursive handwriting.  And, another subject is Apologia Science (particularly the study guides or if I require a chapter outline).

Some homeschoolers might argue that my problem is that I am not allowing my students to be self directed.  I hear that.  But, there are some skills I want to hone here.  And one of the fruits of the Spirit is self control.  Self control is a discipline that requires exercise.

So here are a couple of my suggestions for making that dreaded subject a little more tolerable:

1) M&Ms :)  Eat one after each line/question/problem.  "A spoonful of sugar..." La la la.
2)Exercises/Dancing:  After so much time worked, take an activity break.
3) "Buddies":  Change the clothing on a paper doll, printed character, or real doll.  (Hey, maybe even your mom or brother. I'm thinking silly hats or something here.)
4) Action figures or Legos:  Build one piece after each accomplishment in the lesson.

We're pushing through by trying to add a little fun.  Hope this encourages you as you try to learn something.  Sometimes things get a little tough.  Don't give up.  Change it up a little.

Oh, and don't forget to look to Jesus.  It's all His.  He knows the best way.  Say a prayer, read the Word, follow the Spirit.

God bless.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Our weekly meal plan

MONDAY LUNCH                  tacos
MONDAY DINNER                                 ham steak, potatoes, corn, fruit salad

TUESDAY LUNCH           macaroni and cheese, apple slices
TUESDAY DINNER                                 salsa chicken casserole

WEDNESDAY LUNCH    baked potatoes with veggies and cheese
WEDNESDAY DINNER                           sloppy joe, fries, green beans, and peaches

THURSDAY LUNCH            chicken nuggets, fries, and oranges
THURSDAY DINNER                              crockadoodledoo

FRIDAY LUNCH                     chicken noodle soup and apple slices
FRIDAY DINNER                                    spaghetti and salad  

Give us today our daily bread.  Matthew 6:11   
Thank you Lord for your daily care and provision.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Fun Friday

This is a GIANT MESS to you and I.

But to my children it is a FUN FRIDAY activity to make an entire room into a blanket fort.  And since the temperatures have been cold, I'm having mercy.  But I'm glad the forecast is a little warmer and I'm hoping for those children to spend some significant time outdoors soon.  And be advised this fort is getting picked up soon!!!!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

Third World Thursday

Let's pray for the third world.

Today, I'm thinking about Juarez, Mexico.  It's not the first place I think of when I think of third world.  And some may argue that a better word for Mexico is developing.  But developing doesn't alliterate with Thursday.

Furthermore, my friends are preparing to go to Juarez on a mission trip.  And hence, it is on my mind and in my prayers.

When I think of Juarez, I think of crime, especially murder and drugs.  But, as I've been thinking about it, I think it is really more important to think about people.  Juarez is a town, just like my town, full of people.  And God loves people.

Micah 6:8 comes to my mind.  "He has showed you, O man, what is good.  And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God."

And so I pray for justice in Mexico.  I pray for mercy for Mexico.  I pray that the Lord's gospel would move forth powerfully in Mexico that they may walk humbly with Him.  And I pray for the people who I know going to Juarez.  May the Lord's will be done and may He work His good plan and receive His glory which is due only to Him.  Blessed be the name of the Lord.

*****Update:  Please pray for my friends.  One team member had to drop out because of rare health concerns and another couple's brother is fighting for his life.  I pray that the Lord will help them  set their faces toward the goal and that He will battle for them and give them strength to fight a good fight.  Praise Him that we already know that His is the victory.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Wednesday in the Word

Being January, I was thinking about time.  I looked through the concordance under time.  The Lord drew me to Hosea 10:12.  It says, "Sow for yourselves righteousness, reap the fruit of unfailing love, and break up your unplowed ground; for it is time to seek the Lord, until he comes and showers righteousness on you."

For it is time to seek the spirit says yes to that.  But how do I sow for myself righteousness when I am unrighteous?  And how do I reap the fruit of unfailing love when my love so regularly fails?  And am I willing to break up unplowed ground?  That is a lot of hard work.  Yet my spirit resonates with that invitation for new growth and God's promise of showered righteousness.

I love the agrarian tone.  And coming from a farm background there is an understanding of the cyclical nature of the earth.  I think God is communicating the cyclical nature of abiding in Him.  I think that by the power of His Spirit he will pour unfailing love into my earthen vessel and shower his righteousness into my unrighteousness by his grace.  But there is a partnership intoned in the verse, something I must do.  I ask for ears to hear, eyes to see, and a soft heart to respond to this beautiful verse.

Another reason this verse delights me is because it is a little call and a little beacon of hope in a passage of filth. The rest of the passage is recounting Israel's offenses and unfaithfulness.  And isn't that just the reality of the battle of our fallen lives?  And yet God calls to us for relationship and renewal.

In my Bible study, this verse arose.  Isaiah 30:18 says, "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; he rises to show you compassion.  For the Lord is a God of justice.  Blessed are all who wait for Him!"

God's love is a powerful thing and a precious thing.  His love can change the world and certainly little old me.  And so I'll leave you with a link to a song to meditate on God's love.  And maybe He'll use it draw us and mold us.  This is How He Loves by David Crowder*Band.

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

To Learn Something Tuesday

Today we ate string cheese for a snack.  My daughter asked, "Mom, how do they make string cheese?"  So our self directed learning led us to a video.  We enjoyed our string cheese as we learned about it.  Here's a link if you'd care to learn about it as well.

Monday, January 20, 2014

My Weekly Menu

          Hi!  I'm trying to get back into the swing of this.
          So I thought I'd start with a menu Monday. 
          Here's what we'll be eating at our house this week
          from Monday through Friday.

Monday lunch          leftover barbecue shredded chicken buns, chips, carrot sticks, orange slices
Monday dinner        baked chicken, kale quinoa and black bean salad

Tuesday lunch         spaghetti and salad
Tuesday dinner        minestrone soup, canned peaches

Wednesday lunch     deli meat sandwich, pretzels carrot sticks, apple slices
Wednesday dinner    tuna noodle casserole, pineapple

Thursday lunch         popcorn shrimp, fries, corn, and orange slices
Thursday dinner       chicken quesadillas and lettuce salad

Friday lunch             leftovers
Friday dinner           frozen pizza and apple slices

Lord, thank you for the food we eat.  Please bless it to our bodies.  In Jesus name, Amen

I. Timothy 6:8 But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with that.