Monday, June 3, 2013

Fun Kindergarten Math and Reading

Today we began our Kindergarten learning.

We started by coloring a circus picture for our counting bears. Some exploratory play ensued.  We continued the activity with counting and sorting the bears by colors.  We also did an estimation investigation.  Bears at the circus was pretty fun!

Next we made some wands for sight words.  Feathers, curl ribbon, colored straws, sticky notes and tape make some fun wands.  Today our kindergartener looked for the words I and a as we read our book.

I am delighting in the eagerness for learning that this little darling is bringing.  Fun times!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Goodbye May...Hello June!

You may be surprised, but I am not sad to see May go.  It is so busy!  While I enjoy all the new blooming things--the magnolia, the forsythia, the TULIPS, the daffodils--I do not enjoy the pace of the month.  There was one week this past month where I was scheduled to be 3 places at the same time 3 nights that week.  This past week, since so many of our activities had ended I was home for 3 nights straight.  It was heaven!

And since this May was so weather weird (snow, 98 degrees, and flooding all in the same month), I can honestly say that I hope that June will be more moderate.  And that June will allow my basement to dry out.

Last night, the last evening in May, Brad and the kids made a lovely fire in the fire pit.  They enjoyed some s'mores.  When I arrived back from work, Brad and I sat out back for quite awhile.  The sky was clear.  Through the circle in the sky the tree leaves make back there, you could see the Big Dipper.  It was a wonderful end to May. As we started to go in, we could see a lightening show to the north.

Today, laundry is going and the refrigerator is being cleaned.  The kids are working on cleaning their rooms.  They made a library trip.  We, of course, are signed up for the library's summer reading program.  Next, it's off for some groceries.  Hoping to get the van washed and cleaned if the rain would abate.  And the kids are hoping to take their bikes to Grimes Farm to ride around a little bit.  The boys have signed up for summer band/orchestra lessons.  And my daughter is participating in T-ball.  (I still have to sign up for swimming lessons.)

All that to say, "Summer we hope to enjoy you well."

God bless you this summer in your wanderings and wonderings.  What plans do you have?