Monday, June 3, 2013

Fun Kindergarten Math and Reading

Today we began our Kindergarten learning.

We started by coloring a circus picture for our counting bears. Some exploratory play ensued.  We continued the activity with counting and sorting the bears by colors.  We also did an estimation investigation.  Bears at the circus was pretty fun!

Next we made some wands for sight words.  Feathers, curl ribbon, colored straws, sticky notes and tape make some fun wands.  Today our kindergartener looked for the words I and a as we read our book.

I am delighting in the eagerness for learning that this little darling is bringing.  Fun times!

Saturday, June 1, 2013

Goodbye May...Hello June!

You may be surprised, but I am not sad to see May go.  It is so busy!  While I enjoy all the new blooming things--the magnolia, the forsythia, the TULIPS, the daffodils--I do not enjoy the pace of the month.  There was one week this past month where I was scheduled to be 3 places at the same time 3 nights that week.  This past week, since so many of our activities had ended I was home for 3 nights straight.  It was heaven!

And since this May was so weather weird (snow, 98 degrees, and flooding all in the same month), I can honestly say that I hope that June will be more moderate.  And that June will allow my basement to dry out.

Last night, the last evening in May, Brad and the kids made a lovely fire in the fire pit.  They enjoyed some s'mores.  When I arrived back from work, Brad and I sat out back for quite awhile.  The sky was clear.  Through the circle in the sky the tree leaves make back there, you could see the Big Dipper.  It was a wonderful end to May. As we started to go in, we could see a lightening show to the north.

Today, laundry is going and the refrigerator is being cleaned.  The kids are working on cleaning their rooms.  They made a library trip.  We, of course, are signed up for the library's summer reading program.  Next, it's off for some groceries.  Hoping to get the van washed and cleaned if the rain would abate.  And the kids are hoping to take their bikes to Grimes Farm to ride around a little bit.  The boys have signed up for summer band/orchestra lessons.  And my daughter is participating in T-ball.  (I still have to sign up for swimming lessons.)

All that to say, "Summer we hope to enjoy you well."

God bless you this summer in your wanderings and wonderings.  What plans do you have?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

There's Some Learning Going On

The children finished their moon unit in science and worked together to create their version of the pinterest sensation:oreo moon phases. I love any project that includes sweets.  Here's a picture.


And they've almost completed the Mars unit.  We'll finish the project/journaling soon and hopefully I'll have a picture to post.

The kids had their book club again.  The month's theme was an adventure book.  My daughter did Magic School Bus: Twister Trouble.  She made a tornado in a bottle.  My son did Who Could That Be at This Hour? by Lemony Snicket.  He made a box of riddles.  Sorry, I forgot to take pictures of those.

There are a couple of things that have pleased me lately.

Zoo to You came to my daughter's preschool.  By the grace of God, and possibly positive peer pressure, my daughter petted a snake and a duck.  This is the same child who has been known to be afraid of ants.  So that is a big deal to me. She's decided she likes snakes. I was also very pleased with the information she internalized and retold to me after school.

A parent of another student came and talked to the kids about guitars.  My daughter remembers the parts of the guitar now.  She also got out the toy guitar at our house and has been playing it a lot lately. 

My grade school daughter independently (and without suggestion) downloaded a free app on the ipad for practicing math. I love it!

My middle school son is totally into Minecraft. (Actually, all of the kids are.)  But, he's been really connecting with a friend in relation to the game.  And, while I am waiting for the day when he independently limits his time spent in this pursuit, it is pleasing to see how happy he is as a result. (Minecraft, his drama group, and orchestra have this effect on him.  He is always really happy after participating in each one of these things.  I'm so thankful for these outlets for him.)  And I think they're sneaking some learning in on him, because today he was telling me that the part he was doing "works like a free market...Everyone had a lot of these items, so we could get them for a really good trade."

My oldest had a jazz concert this past week.  It was paired with the show choir's performance.  I really enjoyed the show!

These have been our wanderings and wonderings lately.  I'm really looking forward to spring break this week.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Reflections on Cleaning from my Dirty Mirror

I was just reading a blog of a mother of 8 who homeschools.  She'd been reading things from Sandra Felton of Messies Anonymous.  It was giving her great guilt, because she had trouble with just the first "Four Sturdy Legs of the Organizing Chair."

While Sandra Felton and Messies Anonymous have made an impact on my life, I have such mercy in my heart for this poor mom.  I understand what she is wrestling with, that ugly guilt monster.

But she has 8 kids and is very pregnant.

I've decided I prefer what Michele Duggar had to say in her address at the Hearts at Home Conference I attended.  (It was something like this.)I should not demand my rights.  No one says I have the right to a clean house.  If one room in my house is clean, let's be thankful to God for that one clean room.

And so, while I hope the Lord helps me to become a better manager and steward, I say to all the mothers fighting the guilt monster: grace and peace to you. 

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love and Grace

Today was a special day in our homeschool.  We are blessed to be members of Modern Woodmen of America Youth Service Club.  One of the things our club does is help at the Iowa Veteran's Home when they have BINGO.  It is such a little thing that we do.  Sometimes we help people man their BINGO cards.  We pass prizes.  We call the numbers.  And we help the staff as they get people back to their rooms.  All the while, we give smiles and encouragements and whatever blessing of humanity you can give another as you spend a little bit of time together.  I always enjoy so much when we can help at IVH and wish I could volunteer there a little more frequently.

Last night, I watched a documentary called Happy on Netflix. (Be forewarned.  There are a few graphic pictures of a woman's facial injuries that my girls unwittingly saw.) There was a part in the movie when a man was working at Mother Theresa's home for the sick and dying in Calcutta, India.  And he talked about the sweetness of just bearing with another person, helping lift their burden a little bit.  The video corresponding this audio was of him supporting someone who had difficulty walking alone.  It was so striking to me. I feel like the Lord has been impressing upon me about "this the day the Lord has made" and loving those whose lives you touch that day.

Today, my daughter and I studied about Ruth and Naomi and Boaz.  What did Ruth have to give?  Not much materially, I suppose.  But she gave the gift of friendship, love, kindness, hard work, and loyalty.  And the Lord blessed it richly...abundantly.

And so what do I have to give today?  I was able to give a very little to the wonderful people at IVH.  I am able to give the love of a wife and mother to my family today.  I would like to share the love of God and myself with you, my friends and readers.

So remember Colossians 3:12 says that if you are in Christ you are "God's chosen people, holy and dearly loved..."  Rest in being dearly loved.

The Lord led me to this message of James McDonald.
(Hopefully that gets you to today's broadcast February 21 God's Purpose In Your Pain: Why Some Trials Never End.)  I was struck by the end of 2 Corinthians 12:9b.  "Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me."  (Yes, Lord, rest on me.)  In my meditation from Jesus Calling February 16 the amplified version of the Bible is quoted from 2 Corinthians 12:9 " and power of Christ (the Messiah) may rest (yes, may pitch a tent over and dwell) upon me!"  (And again I say yes, Lord!  Pitch a tent over and dwell upon me.  It reminds me of the tabernacle.)

This is what I have to share with you today.  Like Ruth, maybe not much.  But perhaps the Lord will bless it to you richly and abundantly. 

Love, Love, Love from me.

Sunday, February 17, 2013

A Few Good Books

I have been AWOL!  It's been too long to adequately do a catch up.

But, we celebrated a couple of family birthdays in January.  Had a snow day. (I was quite giddy about that.)  Had our first book club for homeschool group.  (Love the book club.)  And lots of other things.

I personally have been reading quite a bit.  I've read Choosing Gratitude: Learning to Love the Life You Have and Looking Around for God:The Oddly Reverent Observations of an Unconventional Christian both by James A. Autry. I also read The Happiness Project  and Happier at Home by Gretchen Rubin. 

I read Mr. Popper's Penguins and Ramona Quimby Age 8 aloud with my kids. It is so wonderful to enjoy books WITH my kids.

But the gray February skies are wearing on me.  I've been thankful for the sunny reprieves we've had occasionally and tried to take advantage of them by getting outside for a walk in the crisp air.  Today will be one of those.

We had our February homeschool book club this past Friday.  Being February (think President's Day and Black History month)  we read biographies.  My son read a bio on Mozart and my daughter on Helen Keller. (I realize neither of them are black or presidents, but this is where I gave them freedom of choice.) Here's a picture of the corresponding projects they made.

This was a teacher assigned project.  So there was some gnashing of teeth.  I view that as character building.
So, that's my little post to try to get back in the habit of showing up here.
Have you read anything lately that you've enjoyed?  I'm always interested in a good read.